Araneae 2 Comming soon!
Comment here everything! Thank you all!
Well,i except an epic video again, adn i wish for future videos smth like epic nid spears and my favourite would be ezreal ownage :D
I love ezreal and never see a good one.. woudl liek to see some pros playign him
I'm really exciting, i'll not be able to slip till i see this vidz :)
I expect nice frags, great tracklist and awesome mooves
I would love to see irelia and xin gameplay, but i dont know if any1 of u even plays xin...
and i would probably expect awesome teamwork and team fights
and lastly could u use song
Deadmau5 - Ghosts n Stuff
for u r 3rd movie?
some 1v2 or 1v3 win :p
some teamplay action
some awesome save mates #_#
... and a gooooood soundtrack list + good quality vid
Sweet teamganks, epic escapes stuff like that would be awesome =P
Song: "007 Is also gonna die" would be cool ^^
I want to see a pentakill with alistar! And in the background should be Bonnie Tylor with i need a hero.
Make a movie only of that would be pretty cool
Robyn ft. Snoop Dogg - You should know better
Shiny Toy Guns - Ricochet
PLz check em out!:)
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Pues en mi opinion, en tu primera pelicula y en la de oce1ote se vio mucho de highlights individuales. A mi me gustaria ver proximamente highlights en equipo, es decir, tfs de las que os sintais orgullosos de lo bien que lo jugasteis en equipo. Creo que podemos aprender mucho de eso, y que además, al ser más complejo coordinarse que jugar bien un campeón, es mucho más impresionante.
Un saludo