Name: Carlos Rodríguez Santiago
Date of birth: 15/06/1990
Town: Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain
Other games nicks and ratings: Atm just playing LoL, oce1ote.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a person who just have one thing in mind, to be the best or one of the best in everything I do, both IRL n’ eSports environment.
When did you start to play online games?
Woah, when I was about 12, playing CS, like everyone I guess...
How did you choose your nickname? Tell us more about your old nicknames please.
I just always were ocelote. When i used to play CS, I just taken the dictionary and the first word I saw was the one I was gonna use for my nickname. Ofcourse the name changed several times between ocelotE-, oce1ote, ocelot3 and some stupid 1337 stuff.
I’m just oce1ote now, ‘cos ocelote was already taken, so i was like a little bit fucked up :p
Can you describe your play style?
When I was a proffessional WoW player, I was probably the best warrior of the world ‘cos i always knew when to be offensive, and when to be defensive; and I guess I want the same in LoL.
The problem is that I didn’t reached the skillcap yet, like I did in wow, but in some time, if I carry on playing i’m pretty sure i’ll reach it.
75% offensive 25% defensive almost.
Who is currently the best LoL player in your eyes? And the best clan?
In my eyes, based in my fair opinion, when I have fun playing this game, I’m the best EU lol player by far. Dunno about Americans, we’ll see in ‘End of the Seasson tournament’.
And the best EU team, my team, SK Gaming.
Btw, Sleazyweazy is the best OVERALL player imo.
Tell us more please about your in-game strengths and weaknesses.
Weaknesses : Map control. Attitude with randoms.
Strengths : Teamfights. Comebacks.
People always ask for some tips. What is the best advice you can tell them?
How much time do you spend on LoL per day/week? What do you think about all this time you spend online?
Uhm, i play an average time per week of about 14h (counting that I don’t play in weekends). To be honest, I’m not embarrassed about that, mainly ‘cos my Real Life just can’t be better. Football, culture, studies, party, girls, friends, family... I spend on that almost all of my life.
Let’s talk about your clan. Where are most of the players from, who are the good players and the n00bs, who’s the leader, why are you in this clan, when did you join, etc.? And give us the link to your website please!
Sleazy, Rated n Sev r from GER, n when they talk they seem annoying.
Althor is a frenchy Gaylord guy, he likes turtles.
Wickd is from somewhere in the north of Europe, I guess he doesn’t even know from where he is.
Rashaashi is from .. ‘denmark’?¿ Idk, but his internet connection it’s like a spanish one.
Ara n me r’ from Spain, and I met him ‘cos he added me to facebook looking for sex.
There are no noobs here, we are SK Gaming.
Teamleader, Araneae.
Gameleader, Everyone of us.
I’m here ‘cos i was with Araneae in Dimegio, when we were a full spanish team; and i carried on training to become the best, that’s why i’m still here.
I was the 2nd joining SK Gaming, firstly Dimegio, Araneae is the 1st, always commanding the team.
Are you looking forward to playing a game that is not LoL?
Diablo 3, with my WoW buddies.
----- Just you, the guy behind the player -----
Weeks : Train at football. Carry on studying. Buy a castle for my sons.
Months : Get money for summer holidays. Win the football league i’m actually playing.
Years : Be fucking rich, i’ll reach that no matter what ‘cos i’m a winner.
Can you tell us what your daily schedule is?
8:30 / I wake up and eat breakfast. Go out with my puppy for 10min or so, and then full study until 14:00.
After eating, it’s the playtime, where i play LoL, Fifa11 ps3, CoD.... or if i’m freakin’ tired, siesta.
Then, at 19:00 i need to leave to the football training until 22:30.
After that, dinner n’ a bit of LoL ‘til I go to sleep.
In weekend... Friday n Saturday night party, next day i usually have a football match at something like 10:00 in Mordor, so I don’t even have time to sleep properly.
Then i sleep 3h n’ then play football.
After eating, i go with my girl ‘til the night, see Real Madrid n Barcelona football matches, n then party again.
Do you have brothers/sisters? A Girlfriend/wife/husband? Do they play online games too?
A brother, 14yo... he’s joining the puberty; so he’s becoming annoying.
I’ve also a GF, but it’s something strange, not really a gf.
My brother plays Black Ops ps3, n my ‘GF’ doesn’t even know what a keyboard is.
What are your hobbies (except age games or computer)?
Obvious answer, football :p
Girls, sports in general, listening to music, going shopping alone, go with my puppy somewhere....
Can you tell us what computer you have (keyboard, graphic card, memory, etc.)?
Keyboard: G-something. I just don’t know the name but it seems that it costs 120€ or so.
Mouse : Steelseries Ikari Master iron.lady.
Headset: No headset, i play with monitor’s sound.
Monitor: hp 2159m 23” or smth like that, full HD.
Graphic card: fucking shitty NVidia Geforce 8800GTS 256mb
RAM: 3gb
Motherboard: fucking shitty ASUS P5KC
MP: Intel Quad Core Q6600
What car do you have, or what car are you planning to buy?
Actually, my car is some Hyundai shit, but atleast it’s mine. Then i use the Megane of my mom, n i’m just waiting for my dad to lemme use his ML420 :ppppp
The car i would like to have in the future? IDK, ‘cos in the future everything ‘ll be different, but atm, i like Merceces CLC Sportcoupé.
The first thing you do in the morning when you wake up? The last thing before you go to sleep?
Firstly i wake up with my right step on the ground J
Before i go to sleep.... i wank myself NO LOL. I clean my teeths.
Hottest girl on this earth?
Jennifer Aniston
Hottest guy on this earth?
If i can’t say myself, i would say RICARDO DOSANTOS IZECSON ‘KAKÁ’ (I belong to Kaká).
Or... Royston R. Drenthe, son of wind.
----- Word Association -----
Please answer with the first word that comes to your mind.
Morde? fuck
LoL? easy
Riot? ignore
Noob? Solo q
Pro Gamer? me
ranked? chorizo
HoN? wannabe
Araneae? Iker Casillas
Annoying? Solo q. Wickd.
patches? Nice!
3v3? what?
Starcraft? chinese
Skill? me
----- Special questions -----
What is your favorite word? win
What is your least favorite word? wickd
What sound or noise do you love? When u throw the coke from the bottle to the glass, the ga’s sound fluttering around.
What sound or noise do you hate? When wickd’s go cocky. ‘Dude, i’m dominating the lane’, when he’s something like 0-2-1 and just had one more creep than his opponent, which is 2-1-0
What profession would you like to do? Investor
What profession would you not like to do? Teacher.
Most embarrassing moment? I never get embarrassed. Well, mb when i was like 14yo n i just thrown a fart in the middle of my Spanish’s languaje’s class. Everyone was laughing at me; now i’m laughing at em ‘cos their lifes suck.
Just one?
Grandma, how do u like the eggs? – BOUNCING OFF THE PUSSY.
That men may have a lot of money, but there’s something he’ll never be able to buy: A dinosaur.
Open the flute page 13.
Davids Harlinson (Harley Davison)
Cristiano Ronaldo es de madeira, como pinocho.
My flat is more cold than the Gudjohnsen’s baptism.
Ozil: el sapo biónico
Ok, ok... i stop.
I didn’t ask all the possible questions…So can you ask yourself a question and answer it?
Anything else you would like to add?
Tutambaúl, patacrocket, lamomia, pelograsa. El trully ‘7’ of Andorra.
Thank you very much for your time.
It's no problem, thanks to you for investing time on me.
I'm the far lmao