Finally after 3 finals in the go4lol's, we won it!
Semifinal vs SK Gaming:
Wizards picks: Cho'Gath, Corki, Vayne, Amumu, Sona.
SK Gaming picks: Maokai, Ashe, Soraka, Kassadin, Vladimir.
This is always a hard match vs SK Gaming, but we did a really good moves on the early game. So we had a really good advantatge, to do first drakes and to control the map.
In the late game, we had more farm and more map-control.
This is the final screen from the semifinal:
Final vs TicTacs:
Wizards picks: Corki, Swain, Amumu, Mordekaiser, Janna.
TicTacs picks: Heimerdinger, Caitlyn, Soraka, Cho'Gath, Alistar.
They did a really good pushing setup, with Caitlyn putting traps in front of our tower, Heimer putting torrets, Cho'Gath cleaning the lane fast, and Soraka healing Heimer turrets. And if you try to join there, Alistar kick your ass off >.<
We did some good early actions, with ganks top or mid, but in mid game, they controlled us with their push. We moved Corki to split push other lane while they were pushing mid lane so hard. When they reached our tower with inhibitor, we could heal fast and jump to em. We did a really good teamfight, and we start leading from here the game. Doing Nashor and taking many towers.
This is the screen from the final:
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