Here I wrote my favorite custom skins. How to install em? Easy:
1. Download the skin (it will be called "Champion".dds)
2. Go to \Riot Games\League of Legends\game\DATA\
3. Make a new folder called "Characters"
4. In that folder, make a new folder with the name of the original skin of the champion (you can find the orginal skin names here)
5. In that folder, paste the "" skin
Akali Tomb Raider
Alistar Wolf
Amumu Darth Vader
Anivia Macaw and Anivia Drake
Annie Drake or Annie Tibbers
Ashe Link
Blitzcrank Ironman
Caitlyn Starcraft
Cho'Gath BalRog
Dr.Mundo Christmas
Ezreal Kingdom Hearts
Fiddlesticks Ketchup
Galio Batman
Gangplank Anchor
Garen Death Knight
Gragas Obelix
Heimerdinger Mars Attack
Janna Shiva
Jax Panda
Karthus Dead
Kassadin Starcraft and Darth Kassadin
Katarina Tomb Raider
Kayle Tyrael and Kayle Paladin
Kennen Toon Link
Kog'Maw Yoshi and Kog'Maw Hextech and Kog'Maw Tropic
Lux Aerith
Lux SteamPunk
Malphite Rayd and Preon
Malphite The Thing
Malzahar Starcraft Protoss
Miss Fortune Corsair
Mordekaiser Dullahan
Morgana Starcraft Kerrigan
Nasus Wolf
Nidalee Snow
Nunu Cait Sith FF7
Olaf Brolaf
Pantheon Batman
Poppy White Knight
Rammus Sonic
Rammus Ninja Turtle
Ryze Kratos
Shaco Harlequin
Shen Sonic Hedgehog
Singed SteamPunk
Sivir WOW
Soraka Robot Unicorn
Swan Commissar
Taric TRON
Teemo Astronaut and Teemo Sidekick Robin
Tryndamere Cloud FF7 and Tryndamere Burger King
Twisted Fate Gentleman
Udyr Force of Nature
Twitch Smooth Criminal
Veigar Vivi FFIX
Vladimir Sephiroth
Warwick Snow
Xin Zhao Chinese
Last Skins: Rammus Sonic
Malphite Rayd and Preon
Lux Aerith
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