oSk Gaming LoL
Today we will talk about oSk. They started with TopElo name, then Birth and finally oSk. Top2 of the Go4LoL overall ranking. Team actually leaded WetDream. They were 2nd in the EMS and they won the #19 Go4LoL and the last Go4LoL #21 vs H2K. (http://www.own3d.tv/video/58477/OSK_vs_H2k_finale_des_go4lol_21)
Website: http://www.osk-gaming.net
Question - Who are you?
WetDream - Tim Buysse, Belgium, Accountant
Q - How do you know each other?
W - Some of us go from way back when we were still topELO and others added me or I met in soloqueue, I always like to see new players with potential ( like xPeke ) when he first joined he had not a clue about 5vs5 xDD
Q - What is your function in the team?
W - I am the Captain of the team. I make the calls, picks, bans and decide who plays and who sits out not always the best job because when you lose you will feel responsible aswell and you will have to take responsibility aswell for that.
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
W - The hero I like the most probably Singed cause he is mad and fun :). And ANIVIA without a doubt the most annoying OP hero at the moment.
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
W - Well there is no real thing to expect I hope this game breaks through but we can only wait and see if they will manage with Dota2 coming out and still no replay / observer.
Q - Anything else you want to add?
W - Respect your fellow gamers thats all :).
Question - Who are you?
Shushei - Hello, my name is Maciej, I call myself "Shushei". I'm from Poland. Atm I'm studying Telecomunications and computer systems. (or w/e its name in english ^^)
Q - How do you know each other?
S - I know most of my team from Top elo solo que. Nothing really special. If I recall corectly Peke was the one I met in mid elo (1500-1600) and started to duo queue with him ^^.
Q - What is your function in the team?
S - I'm exotic champions player ad / or ap carry
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
S - My favorite champion hmm champions :3 : Pantheon , Alistar and Teemo :D . And my most hated is Anivia, not because I cant play it just its too good atm. And I symphatise more with weaker, lonely not played champs !
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
S - I just hope it will get its place in lans !! Since I played Dota , and HoN and personaly I think League of Legends got more potential (if they add replay and observer mode ^^ ) so I expect riot to work on it. Since imo it should give them good headstart over Dota 2.
Q - Anything else you want to add?
S - Gimme winged hussar xin skin please :D.
Question - Who are you?
xPeke - Hello Im xPeke, my name is Enrique and im from spain :) Im 18 and I study computer enginerring first year but I dont think I will keep studying this later.
Q - How do you know each other?
xP - I met the clan when it was called topELO I use to be top 1 in solo queue and they contacted me to make trials for the clan ^^ I made the trials at the same time with CyanideFI and we both passed :P.
Q - What is your function in the team?
xP - I mainly do AP/AD
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
xP - My favorite hero is Morgana she is just awesome well played can do all she wants! I hate Shaco since I started playing, even tought hes not OP now I still hate him :P
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
xP - I expect from RIOT replays and watchers system... if not I see a black future to LoL
also could try to move more tournaments now that so many people plays it
Q - Anything else you want to add?
xP - Thanks for the interview and want to wish good luck to all my teammates^^, to you and all SK :D
Question - Who are you?
Mellisan - My name is Peter (ign: Mellisan), I'm 21 and from Germany and studying Mathematics.
Q - How do you know each other?
M - Well, I got into the team at first, when I spent a long time on Solo ladder top (yay semester breaks!), got to know Wetdream and Pingus there.
After some players leaving, we got Cyanide and xPeke into the boat due their good performance on Solo ranked (also knew them a bit from there).
Shushei was already quite known from beeing in other good teams and LamiaZealot was recently brought to us by WetDream.
Q - What is your function in the team?
M - Currently I'm taking the roles of playing the support champs and physical carries, so everything on botlane basicly. Also used to play Casters from time to time, but xPeke and Shushei took that over.
Else I m just a normal player, as we obviously have only one captain and thats WetDream.
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
M - Like: Miss Fortune, extremly high damage potential and a lot of fun playing, trying the get the perfect Double Up's.
Dislike: Gragas, Q not really dodgeable without boots, annoying dashing around and this big barrel to knock you around. And if we is played on AP it also hurts like hell.
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
M - I think LoL's future isn't too bad as most people would say, it is clearly based off DotA, but still shows some significant differences concerning gameplay. So I guess it will still be able to maintain a big part from the community, when DotA 2 comes out. But to do that, LoL will need Replays and maybe even Observer mode, dont really care about the new map if I'm honest.
Q - Anything else you want to add?
M - Not really.
Question - Who are you?
CyanideFI - Finland, Lauri Happonen, Senior High School
Q - How do you know each other?
C - I knew most of the people already from soloque, one day WetDreaM just asked if I wanted to trial for his team and I was more than happy to!
Q - What is your function in the team?
C - I usually play the tank sololane, and sometimes in the jungle.
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
C - My favourite hero is probably Gankplank, not that I play him but I love his game mechanics. And the hero I hate the most is Anivia, without a doubt. OP Wall, OP slow, OP stun, OP Guardian Angel...
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
C - Well I think that without replays and good servers LoL will slowly fade away, but if Riot manages to deliver them I think there is a bright future for League of Legends!

Pingus - Jan Zalewski, studying computer science at warsaw university.
Q - How do you know each other?
P - I joined the old TopElo team, in which Wetdream and Mellisan played. We stayed together pretty short, then Wetdream formed a team on the ashes of the old one, he grabbed CyanideFi and xPeke. Also after the CLG invitational played with Shushei he joined our team ( he is my good friend as we are countrymates) and I think Lamiazealot joined after Osaft got kicked.
Q - What is your function in the team?
P - I'm a jungle/tank/support player.
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
P - Janna is my favourite and I really hate Anivia and Kassadin right now.
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
P - I think LOL future will be bright as long as RIOT starts to support competitive gaming. I think they have really bad focus, noone cares about Human vs AI in MOBA type game. Replays, observer mode, less bugs, bigger support for top players (like max queue time for example) is what this game needs right now.
Question - Who are you?
LaMiaZeaLoT - Manuel Mildenberger, Germany, 21 y.o. studying germanistic&anglistics.
Q - How do you know each other?
L - Only from LoL, the team picked me up some weeks ago for a trial and they're really cool (tho shushei sucks, is weird and takes all my farm)
Q - What is you function in the team?
L - Ad carry mostly, could also do mage and tanky stuff and some jungles.
Q - Which hero do you like and dislike the most?
L - Shaco is my favorite and Gragas my least favorite :>
Q - What do you guys think about lol's future and what do you expect from Riot?
L - I think LoL will grow and that they will release the new map and graphics to counter the DotA2 release. I expect Riot to do some things faster and focus more on balancing and updating odl champions rather than releasing new ones (even thought it's what they need since they get money for it)
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